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A pretend journalist is 'bullying' me over Madeleine McCann coverage

Update: (4/9/2014) For some reason it looks like Guy has removed something from his profile: The agency he claimed to represent when he emailed me. (scroll to the bottom for the new photo)

I've forwarded his profile and various emails he sent me to the appropriate sources -- including the Daily Mirror, who he claimed to be partnered with (which was clearly a lie lol). If this guy's going around falsely representing media and PR companies while trying to bully and harass public figures, then there's no telling what kind of trouble he might find himself in -- especially since he claimed to be affiliated with several big media corporations.

As for his aggressive emails: He has also left a couple of voicemails. In one he told me that he was "a member of the 1%" who would ruin me because I'm poor. Wow, good going there, Guy. 

P.S. When you google "Journalist Guy Hamilton," you get a fictional journalist played by Mel Gibson. Silly trolls! I feel very sorry for his son. 

Update: The troll has continued to send aggressive emails. I have set up my filters to send directly to trash so I don't have to deal with it anymore.

After making contact with my managing editor at Huffington Post (where I am only a contributing blogger and not in a long time at that) I've been told that no such person has made contact with them. So it seems that this person is not only a troll, but a fraud. No surprise. (He claimed to had  been "told something interesting" by my managing editor.. that was a lie). 

Update: Within hours of this post going live, "Mr. Hamilton," bombarded my public voicemail and email inbox with angry and aggressive comments after he was formally requested to stop contacting me.

He also threatened me before formally sending me a take-down notice of a photo that was publicly on Facebook. However, out of the spirit of being a decent person, I have chosen to remove the photo and replace it with an originally snapped screenshot of a photo of the man who is harassing me and working as the mouthpiece of my stalkers and bullies.

Have you ever heard of Guy Hamilton? Probably not -- and I hadn't either until he contacted my private Facebook account via his own personal profile (pictured). Apparently he's a longtime "investigative journalist" who is also a partner with a PR firm, etc., etc., (or so he claims) And apparently I've caught his eye (rather, he is involved with a group of proven cyberbullies). His message began on an intimidating note, claiming that I was being investigated and that my "claims about my qualifications" have been debunked, etc. He followed this aggressive line of commentary with telling me that he was going to produce an article about me (which later turned into something on video as he couldn't quite keep it straight) and that he'd do so with or without my answers to his questions (that he hadn't yet produced).

I responded to this dingbat that I had never made any false claims about my qualifications as an independent criminal profiler, and let him know that in the U.S. there are no qualifications. I told him that I didn't appreciate his unprofessional way of reaching out to me, and let him know that I'd be in contact with the appropriate people regarding his claims (he did some name-dropping that I don't necessarily believe). I also let him know that I was aware of his 'fanning' of a page that had already once been deleted by Facebook for harassing me, stalking me and bullying me (and others), so he was clearly and publicly in cahoots with shady people.
screenshot taken from public Facebook profile of Guy Hamilton
His response to me contained error after error as he made his own inaccurate assumptions that came across as if he had done no research about me at all. However, he opened his response with the fact that he started following me because he didn't like my coverage of Madeleine McCann or how critical I am of her parents. He was actually rather aggressive in letting me know he disagreed, revealing his clear bias against me that has clearly been there for some time. So this is it in a nutshell: Some aging nut who claims to be a journalist doesn't like what I have to say about the Madeleine McCann case, so he follows me around and goes into cahoots with these cyberbullies who who are going around posting nonsense rumors about me -- most of which are screenshots of out-of-context quotes. Then he decides he's going to use his "investigative journalism" skills to completely bypass investigating me and asking me questions, but go by the rumors and claims made by various people who are also completely in error, and who also clearly didn't read my FAQ or bother asking me anything.

1. He stated "you call yourself a journalist."

I had to point out to him that I never call myself this, never have. I had to explain to him that I am a blogger who shares my opinions and analysis, and that this is something I am very stern about correcting people about and he'd know that if he even bothered looking at my site. 

2. He claimed that I tell people that I'm a "journalist for the Huffington post" -- and that's also untrue. In fact I asked him to provide me with verifiable proof that I ever said that I am a "journalist" for Huffington post. He refused to show me the proof of his claims against me.

3. He actually told me that I was going to college to be a criminal profiler (instead of asking me what I am in college for). I had to correct him and tell him that there is no degree for criminal profiler in the U.S., and that I am taking multiple courses for my own reasons that are none of his concern.

4. He tried to assert that I lie about my qualifications as a criminal profiler. I had to point out to him that there are no qualifications in the U.S. to be a criminal profiler, and I have never claimed to have any qualifications that I do not have.

So there you have it. I'd never heard of this guy a day in my life, but in the couple hours that I've gotten to know him I've learned he's a journalist who's never had a piece published under the name Guy Hamilton. I've learned his PR firm has no website or really any verifiable ties to the news agencies he mentioned. The only thing I can see about him is that he is on Facebook as a Smurf and has a teenage son named Billy.
I have taken the precautions of contacting the appropriate people to warn against this character. He's in direct partnership with people who have committed various acts of harassment and bullying against me, my family members, people who aren't even related to me that they erroneously believed were, and others. I'm also publishing all of this to let it be known that I am being targeted by this dingy old fart because he can't handle my opinions on the Madeleine McCann case -- a case that I am currently writing a book about, publication date TBA.

Do I believe this Guy Hamilton nut is a true journalist? Not one that matters, no. But I am perplexed that someone would make blatant claims of having such connections in the industry while contacting my private Facebook with a picture of a Smurf -- which went to my 'other' folder. I am also perplexed that someone who'd claim to be a real journalist would not only admit to having a longstanding negative bias against me, but then refuse to acknowledge that he is being corrected on his false assumptions and claims about me. He even emailed back refusing to acknowledge any of the things I stated asking for proof and letting him know very clearly that his claims and assumptions are false. Therefore, anything printed about me containing those assumptions would also be false.

Has Guy Hamilton contacted you claiming to be a journalist? If so, be careful: The man is clearly a tabloid writer if he's any kind of writer at all. The fact that he's contacting me with such negative and aggressive comments even after being told that his assumptions about me are factually incorrect tells me that either he's not at all who/what he claims to be, or he's nothing more than another one of those wannabe Geraldos that never could make it. So he's willing to resort to lies and slander to get an interesting story. And who cares if he ruins his career by printing lies about people when he doesn't have a notable career in the first place and is clearly too old to try to etch a respectable one out now.

What this has to do with my coverage of Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Not a goddamned thing. I'm not going anywhere. People like this Guy Hamilton character and his merry band of bullies can kiss my lily white ass and continue following my work. Clearly they're not important in the big scheme of things if they cannot be ethical enough to accept that their assumptions and biases were inappropriate and wrong. I will never stop pushing for the genuine and truthful answers behind what happened to Maddie -- come hell or high water.

Who killed Leila Ziegler?

Leila Cherie Ziegler was brutally slain nearly two years ago alongside an elderly man -- and their bodies were found in a camper in Mesa, Arizona. The publicized details about this woman's unsolved slaying are slim, but what is available indicates that the killer is a danger to the public -- so why haven't Maricopa County detectives been more forthcoming with information about the case? More importantly: Why is it taking so long to bring this murder victim the justice she deserves?

Leila was only 30-years-old when she was killed violently in a camper in East Mesa. The exact details aren't confirmed, but it's been claimed by Pinal and Maricopa County locals that she and 70-year-old Phillip Marquis were brutalized with an ax or some other kind of object of similar destructive caliber. The person(s) responsible for such a violent crime would have to be of considerable size and/or strength. If this is truly how the duo died, the person responsible was likely in a rage. These are the only details available in the case to the public, so all that can be done is speculation and theorizing. 

Disturbingly enough, Lelia Ziegler had once acted in a low budget horror flick in which she was also brutally murdered, as can be seen from the photo to the right. It's absolutely strange looking at the photo, even though it's staged violence and not real. This young woman suffered a demise similar to her one-and-only movie role -- and her killer is walking free among us.

Please do me a favor: If you live in Arizona, or if you have people from Arizona in your social network, share this post and share Leila's photos. Keep her face fresh in the minds of anyone who may have possibly known her. Who knows, we may end up exposing a suspect or clues behind who killed her and Marquis. It's a longshot, but after two years without any publicized updates, something needs to be done.

Hannah Anderson's Odd Behavior: What Gives?

It's been several months since the bodies of Tina and Ethan Anderson were found murdered on the property owned by Jim DiMaggio, and to this day there have been no answers in the numerous questions that have been asked about Hannah Anderson's shady behavior. Read more of this post by clicking here...

Did this lead to Amanda Knox's guilty verdict?

Raffaele Sollecito kind of threw Amanda Knox under the metaphorical bus shortly before the 'guilty' verdict in the high profile murder trial that ended this year. Now as everyone waits to find out whether or not Amanda will be extradited to Italy, it's hard to ignore one nagging question: Did Raffaele cause Amanda's latest guilty verdict? Read more by clicking here....
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Blasting more cyberbullies

Beware of Jennifer Baggett (https://www.facebook.com/jenn0619?fref=ufi)  a cyberbully and troll who flutters about community pages to spread her malcontent.

Just block her if she tries to abuse you (and she will, because she is extremely miserable) if you have a fan page and cover criminal cases. She is abusive and very nasty -- going as far as making up lies about you to smear you publicly. Her reasoning for doing so? I have no clue, but upon a little research I found that she has a lot of health problems and is in and out of the hospital a lot. Some people who are frequently ill tend to have a lot of pent up anger toward the outer world, and toward healthy people who are doing better than they -- and it's very sad.

Also come to find out: Her family life is less-than-stellar. She has a teenage son who apparently is aggressive or violent to some degree because he's always being put in handcuffs/detained by police. She also appears to surround herself with others who are in-and-out of jail. So there's little doubt that this woman is toxic because of her  toxic surroundings.

Why am I blasting her on the wall of shame? Because this person is connected directly to a group of cyberbullies who have been harassing me, my friends and my family members. She is part of a group of people who have done some pretty nasty things -- including posting physical addresses of innocent people on social networks telling people that these homes are my addresses (even though they are registered to completely different people). (So they're not only criminals, but they're not very smart). They've also spread numerous rumors about me  -- 99.9% of them completely have no basis of truth. She, along with her group, have harassed me on Ask.Fm and on Facebook, as well as on the various platforms that I blog on, saying horrible things to me that no person should ever have said to them. Yesterday, one of the people from her group sent me a message that was extremely vulgar, asking me if my stepfather had molested me (but they used very XXX rated terminology that was not only disrespectful, but indicates that they have some disgusting perversions).

Jennifer Baggett is one of these anonymous cyberbullies, and she outed herself on my page yesterday by repeating almost every nasty lie and insult that has originated from that hate group. So I am exposing her for what she is, and I am giving her a taste of her own medicine. I really hope this woman can get the help she needs, and I do hope that she realizes that she is no longer an anonymous cyberbully. She's been exposed. I sure hope she's not one of the ones that's been committing criminal acts of stalking/harassment against me, because she may end up having a jailhouse family reunion if it continues. Hey, at least she'll be closer to her kids!

What was Amanda Knox's motive for murder?

English: Amanda Knox leaves the prison in Peru...
English: Amanda Knox leaves the prison in Perugia on a car with Corrado Maria Daclon, secretary general of the Italy-USA Foundation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Amanda Knox killed Meredith Kercher, but what was the motive?
pollcode.com free polls 
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I fight back!

Please share this image if you're in Arizona!

How to lose a debate

When engaged in a debate with an opponent, one must never make ad hominem attacks in place of a solid argument. 

Utah Missing Child Alert

Finally, an arrest in Jaren Lockhart's murder!

May 7, 2014: This morning at approximately 7:00 a.m., Margaret Sanchez was arrested and charged with second degree murder and kidnapping -- though these are curious charges to say the least. Why second degree murder when she is being charged with kidnapping? Many states have "special circumstances" charges that turn any death that results from a kidnapping into a capital charge, so are Louisiana officials referring to the murder and dismemberment of Jaren Lockhart as a crime of passion or unplanned violence?

It's fortunate that Margaret has finally been arrested and charged while her presumed accomplice is already behind bars after absconding as a registered sex offender. Here's to hoping the next chapter in Jaren's case ends with a conviction and true justice being served!
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Heather Elvis case analysis IV: Follow the ringleader

An upcoming book about Heather's case...
May 8, 2014: Heather Elvis's remains still haven't been located, even though Horry County officials are convinced that Sidney and Tammy Moorer kidnapped and murdered her. While a gag order remains over the case -- and anyone involved -- little bits and pieces of information are making their way through media reports. Now it's being reported that Tammy Caison-Moorer may be released on bond, which indicates to me that the court isn't convinced of her guilt as much as they are convinced of Sidney's guilt. Otherwise, she wouldn't be a consideration for bond while he remains imprisoned with no investigative updates on whether or not evidence against them is even enough to prove murder.

Before you read further, catch up to speed by reading the case analyses I through III in the Heather Elvis case:

I've believed for a long time that Tammy Caison-Moorer is the one who wears the pants in her relationship. After all, she was the one who claimed to handcuff her husband to their bed as punishment for his infidelity with Heather. Her behavior over the course of this disappearance has hovered over the cusp between jealous jilted wife and murderous woman. With a judge considering the possibility of releasing her on bond, this indicates that she's not the so called ringleader in the kidnapping and murder of Heather Elvis, but her husband is. Or at least, that's what officials may believe.

On the other hand, Tammy Moorer could be manipulative enough to have "rolled over" on her husband, implicating him as the one who perpetrated the alleged crimes. She could gain the sympathy as the wife who was standing by her man, manipulated by a violent killer. This doesn't seem entirely likely given her social behavior and refusal to hide her total contempt for Heather.

Something that might make sense in this possible bond decision could be the possibility of Tammy being pregnant. It was rumored by one of the woman's family members that she was pregnant even before entering jail -- but it's just not known how reliable these people can be with all the gossiping they do. It would still make for a medical reason to allow bond for someone accused of kidnapping and murder, but not really a good reason if you ask me.
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#Hello #River: The Movie

Who killed Tina and Ethan Anderson? Just what kind of relationship did 16-year-old Hannah Anderson have with her father's best friend? There are numerous questions in this case, but the answers are not coming thanks to the lack of transparency of the San Diego County Sheriff's Dept.-- and Sheriff Bill Gore has quite the history of what sure seems like corruption. Here it is in the year 2014 and the San Diego County Sheriff is up for reelection -- but will a new sheriff come to town to dethrone Bill Gore?

The community of San Diego -- and the entire nation -- needs to watch #Hello #River. It's a web-documentary that not only exposes the various lies told by Hannah Anderson, but the downright strange behavior of the San Diego Sheriff's Office.

Coming soon!
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Hannah Anderson Ask.fm transcripts 5/23/2014

What really happened in this garage the day Hannah's mom and brother were slain?
Just as expected, Hannah Anderson couldn't stay away from her Ask.fm profile for very long. In fact, she was fielding questions like she had months prior when her stories changed more than once. She answered multiple questions attempting to offer insight on what allegedly happened to her when her mother and brother were killed back in August of 2013. And like so many times before, Hannah deactivated her account after things got a bit hairy and she "said too much." One would think that she'd understand how the internet works by now, and that deactivating her account to delete all of her activity doesn't change the fact that many of us take screenshots of said activity. I wasn't able to get all of yesterday's Q&A, but the following screenshots of Hannah's Ask.fm page are good enough to show that she hasn't really changed her ways. She answers some questions in a manner that seems consistent, but if one looks back at the other transcripts of her Ask.fm page (which can be found on this blog by searching her name) you can find that inconsistencies still exist.

I believe Hannah Anderson is nervous that this case is not closed. (read more)

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Heather Elvis case analysis V

Tammy is in control
Heather Elvis's remains still haven't been found, and her accused killers remain jailed. Of course that almost changed this past week when Tammy Moorer was actually given a bond hearing, and fortunately that bond request was rejected by the judge. This week's bond hearing inspired this latest post in my ongoing analysis of Heather's case, and that's because some more of Tammy's character came to the surface, along with some "juicy details" that aren't really so new. Before you read further, catch up by reading the first four posts in this series:

Most people are aware that I broke the news of Tammy's so called pregnancy back in April (in this AllVoices post) when one of her loved ones ranted and raved like a lunatic on Facebook about it. So it's not really news to find out that Tammy Moorer is supposedly pregnant. What is news, however, is the fact that she is very obviously using that pregnancy as a leveraging tool to get herself out of jail, even though she stands accused of kidnapping and murdering a young woman from her own community. 
In reference to the last post about this case (case analysis IV) I believe we now know the reason why Tammy was seeking a bond hearing to be released from jail. And now that I know that this pregnancy was used as an excuse to get that bond hearing, I am convinced that my analysis of Moorer's personality is as correct as ever. This woman craves control, thrives on it. Control over this situation has slipped from her fingers and now she's sinking to the level of using her own children as bargaining pawns for her freedom. This so called pregnancy is most likely not viable. She's refusing prenatal care that would benefit the health of her fetus, yet seeking release for the health of said fetus -- which makes little sense. In fact, this reveals another layer of manipulation present in Tammy Caison-Moorer's personality. 

From the beginning of this case Tammy pushed herself into the spotlight: First when she revealed that her husband had an affair with Heather, and again when she claimed that her and her hubby's "open marriage" made that affair not such a big deal. From there, her behavior escalated. While she and Sidney had the chance to blend into the background, she chose to act out and be a big personality in this sad case. She may as well have painted "I did it" on her own lawn, the way she was acting. In fact, her behavior is a textbook form of criminal behavior displayed by sociopaths who make games of the cases they create. Playing cat-and-mouse with the police and angered communities lifts the self-esteem of people of this criminal type. 

I've said it numerous times before, and I will say it again: If Tammy and Sidney Moorer are truly responsible for Heather Elvis's disappearance, then the investigators need to put more pressure on Sidney. I believe that Tammy is the one in control of this relationship, and therefore in control of the crime that allegedly occurred. Of course, if her personality is exactly what I feel that it is, the moment he rolls over on her she will concoct any story imaginable to put him in the position of control and herself as a victim. Mark my words on that final statement, folks. 

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Silly bullies!

This near-elderly cyberbully called me a fat floppy piece of shit....I don't think a comment is necessary. 

A bully in blackface!

Now I've seen it all. I simply can't take insults from cyberbullies seriously if they've ever been in blackface. How white trash is that? Not to mention, it's pretty damned racist. I just wanted to also add that this woman, who goes by the name Marsha Lee (Also known as Marsha Confer on Google+), claims to be an advocate for missing women -- and even uses the tag 'missing women' in her Facebook page name as you can see from the screenshots below. I find it ever-so-odd that a woman who claims to advocate for missing women would spend her time not only posing in offensive blackface makeup, but also cyberbullying other advocates for missing people.

I'm not perfect, and I never promised to be, but it's pretty shitty to go out of your way to come to someone's page (like she did with mine) simply to be an all around ugly person. She sought out my page -- a page dedicated to missing and murdered people and the coverage of their heartbreaking case, and this was how she chose to conduct herself.

For that, I say: Shame on you, Marsha Lee.

Coming soon: Case to Case [Debates]

If you've ever wanted to debate with me about a topic -- whether it be crime, politics or some other topic -- then this is the opportunity for you. Case to Case [Debates] will be a special off-shoot of the normal Case to Case podcast, featuring one-on-one debates between yours truly and a variety of people who are passionately opinionated.

If you're interested in debating me on an episode of Case to Case [Debates] then get in touch!

An invitation to Amanda Knox's supporters

Do you believe Amanda Knox is innocent? Are you one of her more vocal supporters who thinks you know everything about her case? If so, then I am extending an invitation to debate one-on-one on an episode of Case to Case [Debates]. I am sure at least one of you passionate supporters out there would be willing to speak your piece in a live debate that will be broadcast to a potential of at least 6.4 million people.

Do you disagree with the sentiment that Amanda is guilty of the murder of Meredith Kercher? Here's your chance to explain yourself.

For more info, click here.

These live debates will be broadcast via Google Hangouts on Youtube!

If you think you have what it takes to argue your points, get in touch with me.

Don't miss this Amanda Knox debate!

You won't want to miss this debate about the Amanda Knox case! On Sunday, July 13, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. (PST) I will be debating one-on-one with poet and Huffington Post blogger Lisa Marie Basile. This will be the first episode in my new Case to Case series titled [Debates] which will be held exclusively on Youtube via Google Hangouts.

The debate will begin at 6:00 p.m., and will last for anywhere from 30 minutes to a full hour, depending on how long it takes for both parties to exhaust their arguments. This livestreamed debate will follow classical debate rules, which are mentioned here at this link. 

For those who cannot watch the live debate or participate in the live chat, the footage will be archived and available on Youtube after the event ends.

If you'd like either one of us to address a certain point or detail in the Amanda Knox case, please don't hesitate to comment on this post!

About Lisa Marie Basile
Lisa Marie Basile is a poet, writer and editor. She is the founding editor of Luna Luna Magazine, a progressive diary of arts & ideas. In addition to a few chapbooks of poetry, her full-length poetry collection, APOCRYPHALwill be out in 2014. Her work work can be seen in several literary journals. She is a poetry instructor for The Eckleburg Workshops (run by the Eckleburg Review, and has worked in publishing and for PEN American Center's prison writing program and in publishing. She attended Pace University to study English and psychology and Columbia Journalism School's Bloomberg Editors' Workshop. She received a Masters in Writing from The New School in New York City.

About Chelsea Hoffman
Click here to read more by Chelsea Hoffman or fan her Facebook page to follow her latest projects. If you’re interested in learning about criminal profiling, missing persons or serial killers, consider enrolling in the Crime Studies class taught by crime analyst and profiler Chelsea Hoffman!
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